


Puertollano is located in the heart of the Iberian Peninsula, always guarded by the monument to the Miner. The city welcomes us to the Alcudia Valley and that is why the city is known as the door of the Alcudia Valley.

With a population of forty-eight thousand people we can found religious and historic constructions and a mining legacy make up a complete and a surprising visit.

The climate, the popular gastronomy, its people and its enviroment makes our city a place for hospitality and enjoyment.



Puertollano is one of the most completes cities that offer us many possibilities of cultural leisure. In September of 2018 the museum opens. Is the firsth museum dedicated to a spanish photographer. It is divided in three floors and we can see temporaly expossitions beside permanent room where present differents works of the artist like Etiopía, María Lionza, España Oculta…


The municipal auditory “Pedro Almodovar” is another of the places of cultural importance in the city. In this building has taken place the world premiere of his film “Volver”.


Around the streets of Puertollano we can see the differents phases of the growth of the city: the medieval neighborhood round to Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion church, the wonderful Paseo San Gregorio full of a great variety of flora, the grown of the miner neighborhood in the hillside of San Agustín, San Sebastian and Santa Ana and finally the actual city with its important services and industrial bussiness.

Of the mining legacy we highlight Minery Museum (temporaly closed) and its enviorement full of vestiges of industrial arquitectura as iron castles. The Santa María Castle is linked to the Eiffel school.

Also the fairground known as “La Central” and the Terri´s Park.

But the most representative monument is called “Fuente agria” in the San Gregorio´s gardens very close to the “Casa de Baños”, 19th century baths.

In the religious aspect we found churches, the Soledad, the Vírgen de Gracia and Asunción church.


Puertollano is one of the best communicated cities of Spain. It has train station of AVE or high speed train.


The natural Alcudia´s Valley and the “Dehesa Boyal” discovers us natural treasures.

Hear the bellowing and see deers on the dawn or sunset.

Looking for mushrooms can be another activity to do in our región.

Take a bicycle to do one of its routes or practice climbing.

An active nightlife complete the offer of leisure with multiple bars, pubs and coffe shops.

For music lovers in February it is celebrated the “Winter Festival” is celebrated in the fairground “The Central” being one of the most importants in those dates.


Dishes with basic ingredients can be tasted in our bars.

Migas, gachas, tiznao, caldereta de cordero o tumbalobos.


Small bussiness are part of the city life si we recommend to you to visit our traditionals bussiness or the central market.

In craft shops you could find typi1cal clay pots or pitcher of sour water.


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